2022 Reading List

Completed (60)
- Proof of Stake: The Making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchain - Vitalik Buterin
- The Third Wave: An Entrepreneur's Vision of the Future - Steve Case
- Voices from the Valley: Tech Workers Talk About What They Do - and How They Do It - Ben Tarnoff and Moira Weigel
- The NFT Handbook: How to Create, Sell, and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens - Matt Fortnow & Quharrison Terry
- Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide - Amy Sheun
- The Tyranny of Big Tech - Josh Hawley
- Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love - Marty Cagan
- System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot - Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, Jeremy M. Weinstein
- Brotopia: Breaking Up The Boys' Club of Silicon Valley - Emily Chang
- Uncanny Valley: A Memoir - Anna Wiener
- The Cryptopians: Idealism, Greed, Lies, and the Making of the First Big Cryptocurrency Craze - Laura Shin
- An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination - Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang
- Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future - Ashlee Vance
- How the Internet Happened: From Netscape to the iPhone - Brian McCullough
- Kings of Crypto: One Startup's Quest to Take Cryptocurrency out of Silicon Valley and onto Wall Street - Jeff John Roberts
- Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs - John Doerr
- User Friendly: How the hidden rules of design are changing the way we live, work, and play - Cliff Kuang with Robert Fabricant
- Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco - Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
- The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron - Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind
- The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine - Michael Lewis
- Blitzscaling: The Lightning Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies - Reid Hoffman & Chris Yen
- Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity - Kim Scott
- Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and How to Get It - Scott Kupor
- What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture - Ben Horowitz
- Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike - Phil Knight
- The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail - Clayton M. Christensen
- Flash Boys: a Wall Street Revolt - Michael Lewis
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers - Ben Horowitz
- The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future - Sebastian Mallaby
- Principles: Life and Work - Ray Dalio
- Cracking Complexity: The Breakthrough Formula for Solving Just About Anything Fast - David Benjamin and David Komlos
- Creative Destruction: How Globalization is Changing the World's Cultures - Tyler Cowen
- The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure - Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff
- The Tyranny of Clichés: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas - Jonah Goldberg
- The Right: The Hundred Year War for American Conservatism - Matthew Continetti
- The New Megatrends: Seeing Clearly In the Age of Disruption - Marian Salzman
- The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made - Walter Isaacson & Evan Thomas
- CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money - J. Christopher Giancarlo
- Permissionless Innovation: The Continuing Case for Comprehensive Technological Freedom - Adam Thierer
- The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose from Defeat to Create the New Majority - Patrick Buchanan
- All the Best, George Bush: My Life in Letters and Other Writings - George H.W. Bush
- Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush - Jon Meacham
- The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work - Richard Baldwin
- The Industries of the Future - Alex Ross
Misc. Non-Fiction
- Metaphors We Live By - George Lakoff and Mark Johnson
- Make, Think, Imagine: Engineering the Future of Civilization - John Browne
- From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life - Arthur C. Brooks
- Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us - Seth Godin
- Originals: How Non-Conformists Move The World - Adam Grant
- Sh*t, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema - Lindy West
- Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. - Ron Chernow
- Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business - Charles Duhigg
- Thinking in Bets: Making Smart Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts - Annie Duke
- Wilberforce - John Pollock
- The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom - Os Guinness
- Liminal Thinking: Create the Change You Want by Changing the Way You Think - Dave Gray
- The Great Divorce - C.S. Lewis
- Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson
- Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
2021 Reading List
Tech * User Friendly: How the hidden rules of design are changing the way we live, work, and play - Cliff Kuang with Robert Fabricant * The Infinite Machine: How an Army of Crypto-Hackers is Building the Next Internet with Ethereum - Camila Russo * Tools and Weapons: The Promise and the Per…